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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Title: Dances With Wolves

Author: Michael Blake

Rating: 5

Lieutenant John Dunbar of the United States army has just been sent to Fort Sedgewick with supplies to help the men there. But when he arrives he is amazed to find the fort completely empty, but he still decides to stay and hold the fort. But their are only two people that know were he is and one has just been killed and the other sent off to the loony bin. But when he rescues a Comanche woman from the forest he meets a band of Comanche and they become friends. He eventually becomes part of the band and gets a new name, Dances With Wolves. But when the army returns he must decide if he is a member of the United States Army or a Comanche warrior.
The age of the Indians was coming to a close but it still lives in the hearts and imaginations of the readers who are inspired by Dances With Wolves. This book has inspired me to learn more about the Comanche Indians. What has it inspired you to do.
1:29 PM

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Junkfood and Journaling

I am doing "Junkfood and Journaling" for the summer at my local library. We are given specific prompts to use as an topic for each week. This week we are writing in the style of Samuel Pepys. The twist is that "he" is here in the modern century! I choose to have Samuel come to the present in a time machine.

Dear Diary,

A lot has changed in 300 years but it is good to experience another time period. Many of the customs that I practiced 300 years ago have either changed, become less practiced, or even ceased to exist. Women are no longer just housewives and child bearers they have been given almost all the privileges that a man has. I see children every where having fun and creating mischief that is impossible in my time. The clothing that these people wear is Outrageous! The women and young ladies show mush more than they should and every one is wearing this strange material called jeans.
It is almost impossible to get through a conversation with out some form of slang or improper grammar. And they are much better and also much worse off than us. I hope that I will be able to return to my time soon and bring back some of tease marvelous snickers bars.
7:27 PM

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